Wednesday, August 1, 2007


  • Arms crossed on chest : Defensiveness
  • Open palm : Sincerity
  • Closed palms, clenched fist : negative vibes
  • Rubbing hands : Anticipation
  • Resting your cheek on your palm: Thoughtfulness and Evaluation
  • Tapping your fingers : Impatience
  • Shaking legs or body: Nervous and Uncomfortable.
  • Crossed arms and legs : Reserved and Suspicious
  • Tilted head : Interest
  • Sitting with body and feet pointing towards door : Want to end the conversation and leave the room.

1 comment:

Sironzkar said...

Truely impressive but do you believe this actually the case because in some cases people are comfortable in someposturesd while communicating might not be the case that they actually are in a state to communicate as per the posture...