A man was addicted to smoking cigarettes.He asked someone for help. He was asked about how he started smoking. He replied," I never wanted to smoke .Infact, i hated the smell.One day i was talking to my friend on the street. My friend was smoking a cigarette. My father saw us from a distance and he thought that i too was smoking.When i went home he shouted and yelled at me. He didn't listen to me. Then i decided how does it matter if i smoke now. I have already been punished for it.So, i started to smoke."
Why rules are created and expected to be abided.It's primarily to inculcate discipline, to organise and manage, to create uniformity . Parents impose rules on kids, teachers on students and managers on employees.Rules are assumed to generate some good results.But are the rule makers actually the followers? Managers command their employees to honour time but they are the ones who are mostly late to the office.Parents restrict child from eating junk stuffs but they hardly circumscribe themselves from eating what they like
Now , lets understand why do we break rules.It's for the thrill , adventure , fun in doing something unconventional or feeling of unfetterd freedom. How many of us are thrilled by breaking traffic rules and saying no to our parents to prove that we are grown ups. At times " No " we feel is an expression of self esteem, it satisfies our ego and we feel like a winner. Beware, saying no could also become an addiction. Its in the form of rebellion without any reason.Like in 70's counter culture-hippie movement in western US- a rebellion against society.
It brings up the fact to what extent should the rules be broken. Our this feeling of thrill and adventure can ruin someone's life.There had been numerous car accidents for the sake of thrill.
I feel boasting indiscipline is more easy than following the tough path of rule. First we need to understand why the rule was created. Work towards that understanding . Then can either follow the rule or bend the rule or break the rule.